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HomeworldSome Most Expensive And Unique Pens In The World

Some Most Expensive And Unique Pens In The World

Pens are the basic necessity of a person who wants to write something. A person can express his thoughts, opinions, and feelings into words by writing with the pen. 

There was a time, when the price of pens used to be very low. But over a period, technology has become advanced and introduced many new features of pens. They made the pens more attractive, unique, and good looking which increases the price of a pen. 

In every era, expensive pens are used and bought by persons who were fond of having expensive collections. Let’s increase our knowledge and learn about the most expensive pens in the world and these are:

1. Fulgor Nocturnus 

Fulgor Knockturns is the world’s most leading and expensive pen. Which is made by a company named Tibaldi. It is decorated with 945 black diamonds and 123 rubies, the pen costs $ 8 million.

It would be better to call it a pen than a piece of jewelry. Every person who sees this pen is expected to keep this prized and with them, but its price is enough to surprise.

2. Aurora Diamante

Aurora Dimente Pen is nothing less than a gift for a person who loves the most precious things. It costs $ 1.3 million. Regarding this pen adorned with 30 carats de beer diamonds, its manufacturers say it is the only pen made of 30-carat diamonds.

The shell of this pen, made only once a year, is made of platinum and its point is made of 18-carat gold. After knowing the features of this pen, we will not be able to live without being surprised.

3. Heaven Gold

This pen is made by famous designer Anita Tan, she is the first woman in the world made such a pen.

The pen is decorated with 161 colorful diamonds and a 43-carat gem and is priced at $ 9,95,510.

4. Montblanc-Mystery Masterpiece 

It is bound to be amazing when two famous designer companies offer something together. The same can be said of the Montblanc-Mystery Masterpiece pen, as the beauty exemplified by two famous designer companies such as Ye Pen, Van Cleef, and Montblanc, was presented to the world on their 100th anniversary.

One of the main features of this pen is that this was made in only 3 series and only 3 pens were made in each series. Decorated with gems like rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, the pen is also decorated with diamonds and it costs $ 7,30,000.

5. Cairn d’Acke Gothic

We will get to see the carving on this pen as the design has been done keeping the Gothic art in mind while making this pen. This pen not only has floral designs associated with carving and Gothic art. But also 892 diamonds and gems like rubies, emeralds have been used.

Rhodium has also been used in this pen and for the first time in China, the pen brought to the world costs $ 4,06,450.

The glare of these pens might have surprised us, but hopefully we will not be able to live without being thrilled about this unique, sparkling pen.

Hopefully, this information will help and prove to be beneficial.