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HomeLifeThese miraculous things happen inside your body throughout the day!

These miraculous things happen inside your body throughout the day!

You may be well aware of the state of your body outside, but you may not have any idea of ​​what is happening inside your body.

There are many such things happening inside your body which are very important for your body. In this article, we will tell you what miracles happen inside your body every day.

  • Your heart pumps 7571 liters of blood every day. Heartbeats 100,000 times every day.
  • You breathe 17,000 times a day and while doing this, you do not think of a single breath.
  • Every day your body makes it sure a thousands of times that you do not come in contact with any kind of cancer. Every day thousands of cells in your body are exposed to cancer. But your body releases enzymes to stop these cancerous cells, so that these cancerous cells heal before they become malignant tumors.
  • Your mind keeps on thinking something or the other throughout the day without stopping. About 50,000 thoughts come to your mind every day but many scientists have suggested the number is upto 60,000. This means that your brain thinks 35 to 48 thoughts every minute.


  • The cells in your stomach produce alkaline substances every millisecond due to which the acid produced in the stomach gets neutralized. If these cells do not do this, then your stomach will digest itself because this acid is so powerful that it can melt even a metal.
  • You blink your eyelids 28,800 times every day. By doing this your eyes remain clean and moist. Doing this is very important because 90 percent of the information you capture is visual.
  • Most of your body’s energy is lost due to heat in your body. Your body produces as much heat during the day as 25 light bulbs produce heat during the day.
  • Red blood cells complete their journey throughout the body in just 60 seconds. This means that every red cell in your body makes 1,440 revolutions every day and carries oxygen to every part of the body along with it and maintains the balance of energy in your body. The life of each cell is 40 days, and after that, a new cell is born.
  • You keep releasing one million cells from inside you every day and your body replaces them with new cells.
  • The hair on your head grows by half a millimeter every day.
  • On average people speak an average of 5,000 words every day.
  • Your liver is so busy every day that it is impossible to even understand the work it does. The liver also produces cholesterol, vitamin D and blood plasma in your body. Your liver filters 1.43 liters of blood every minute and produces 0.94 liters of bile every day. This bile works to break down food into smaller pieces.
  • The gland in your mouth produces 1.5 liters of saliva every day. If it does not produce saliva, then your mouth will become completely dry due to which bacteria will fill your whole mouth and you will not be able to digest your food.
  • The average man’s testicle produces 10 million new sperm every day.
  • There are one million tiny filters in each of your kidneys that work together. These kidneys filter 1.3 liters of blood every minute and produce 1,872 liters of blood every day. If you don’t think that’s enough. These kidneys expel 1.4 liters of urine from your body every day.
  • Your height increases by 8 mm while sleeping.
  • Your body starts the process of digesting food even before it enters the mouth because when you smell the food, saliva starts forming in your mouth. Which plays an important role in the digestion of food.
  • This fact is very interesting, every day the cells in your body are reborn and all this happens automatically. This means you have new taste buds every 10 days, new nails in 6-10 months, new bones in 10 years and a new heart every 20 years.
  • Even after this, if you think that no miracle is happening in your body, then think of all those things which are working miraculously inside you.

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