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HomeLifeHow To Stay Motivated

How To Stay Motivated

1) Look your excuses in the eye

A person’s best friend and the greatest enemy are their Excuses, said by Bernie Roth, a professor, and author. Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Actions in Life.

The trick is to find out your excuses directly. For example, are we more fatigue to work out, or do we just want to watch the new season of TV shows on Netflix. We need to be super genuine with ourselves. 

We just need to correct ourself, if we see we’re using an excuse. Next time it comes up, we’ll probably do it again — but after a few times, we’ll stop.

If we believe our blah reasons, we’ll never change our behavior. It’s a matter of telling truth to ourselves.

2) Practice to develop a gratitude 

The minute we open our eyes, what have to do that whole day we’re aware of everything. Mark a few things we’re grateful for while stable in bed, to stay motivated.

When we wake up, we’re often swamped with what we have to fix and what we have to do, and our focus becomes that, So, shifting that focus right away, just recognize what is good, place yourself in a mind-frame which is better to tackle the day.

3) Start small

All of the experts advised us to establish a baseline of what our reality is so we can aim for the progress we can make happen. For example, not saying we’ll get up at 7 a.m. when we hate mornings.

Instead, try setting our alarm clock for 15 minutes earlier than we usually wake up, walking an extra quarter of a mile every day, or adding a new fruit or vegetable to your breakfast or dinner. Slow and steady wins the race.

4) Watch inspiring speeches

We head on over to Google or YouTube to watch motivational videos, award acceptance speeches, like some epic moment in TV history, whenever we need a quick boost of inspiration.  

Some other favorites include Vivek Bindra who gives knowledge, ideas for entrepreneurs and motivates. B.K Shivani who helps to keep our mind in peace. 

From personal growth to the future of humanity, TED talks are also available in whatever subject interests us. There’s even a motivational playlist to raise us on our hard days.

5. Don’t let your fear stop 

Decided to turn your fear into a game like try and get rejected at least once in a day or every day it will help to face your fear. Turn your ideas into action, like ask for a discount, before purchasing something. Now people play this game of rejection across the globe.

There are innumerable videos of similar rejection challenges trying by people, and many results are downright awesome.

The same technique can apply to anything that threatens and Comely was able to beat it, In taking rejection’s power away. Aim for doing good or expect less failure, and it’ll happen less and less.

6. Reward yourself

If you don’t enjoy, don’t force yourself to do something, because in the long term it’ll be nearly impossible to work it into your lifestyle. But if you’re doubtful about an activity like running or going for a walk, people suggest engaging in something you genuinely like.

The key is to connect to something we like to do, whether that means listening to your favorite music or treating yourself to a homemade smoothie after a workout.