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HomeLifeHow to choose an immigration consultant

How to choose an immigration consultant

Most of the persons think about going abroad. Some people are lucky to able their wishes but some are unable to do so due to a plethora of reasons. The big reason for this is to choose the wrong immigration. Today, we are going to tell you how to choose a legal and genuine immigration agent. By taking care of these points, you can avoid all kinds of insidious activities, and reach the right immigration.

Finding advisors by reference

Anyone who has gone through the immigration process is a potential source for referral. You can also refer to a friend or family. It would be better to take a reference. You can ask them well about immigration and give advice. Because if you take advice from someone you know, then he will give you good advice.

Check the official website for the registered consultant

By the way, there are many websites on which information about immigration can be found. But the government has maintained a list of legal advisors. So that the person can get the right information.

Verify Agent Credit

We should first ask an agent about his credibility. He/she must have certain certifications to work as a professional consultant. They need a formal education to know and understand the immigration rules properly. The professional degree required to become a registered immigration consultant. Nevertheless, simulated degrees can be created. Therefore, it is up to you to verify the advisor’s certificates.

Check website and social media page

You should first check the website of the immigration agent that you are consulting. You can contact Immigration directly through their website or their social media page. Every immigration has their social pages through which you can get information about their status in the market, their reviews as well as their successful visas.

Review and check previous records

Before working with any immigration agent, a review must be done thoroughly. You should check their old records to know how many visas they have earned. For this, you can also see their review on the site of immigration. To apply for a visa, they will give you a contract letter that you should read carefully. It should be well understood before signing. If you still have questions, ask an advisor.

Visit and schedule a consultation

Any immigration consultant should be prepared to answer any of your questions. If you want to talk on the phone for a consultation, you can call them. If the consultant is too busy, then you should cross them off your list. You can schedule a consultation with several immigration counselors so that you can compare them.

Check documents

When you go to immigration, you should definitely ask for documents. Because licenses have different requirements in every jurisdiction. Or you can also see online what the registration requirement is in your jurisdiction. And what will be its process?

Ask about fees

The consultant should be upfront about how much they will charge you and how much the whole process will cost. You have to take all these things in writing from them. This should be part of your contract letter that they have given you. And you have to take a photocopy of each document.

Choose a consultant

Now after going through your notes, it is time to finalize an advisor, which you have prepared by noting all the necessary information about each advisor. You need to ask yourself some questions.

  • Which advisor was the best in communication?
  • Which advisor do you feel most comfortable with?
  • Which was the best-rated consultant?
  • Which consultant has more experience?

You should not necessarily hire a consultant who charges the least. Instead, compare their experience.

Avoid fraud agent

  • If a mentor encourages you to lie, you should avoid working with them.
  • Avoid someone who encourages you to omit the main piece of information from your application.
  • Beware of working with someone who does not have a translator on hand to help you. If the consultant cannot speak your language, you should not work with them.
  • Keep your original documents with you. Some scammers will grab your original documents and then demand that you pay them more money before returning the documents.
  • Do not pay cash amount. Pay using a personal check, money order or credit card.
  • Whenever you make a payment, you should request a receipt from the advisor. The receipt should contain the name and address of the consultant.
  • Do not sign the blank application form.
  • Do not sign forms or documents until you can read them.
  • If you do not understand them, ask someone to translate.
  • Your representatives make sure to get copies of any documents for you.
  • Make sure your representative updates you on your application often.

After taking all necessary precautions, however, if you have worked with a scammer, you should report them to the Attorney General of your jurisdiction.