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HomeworldHere Is How "Earth Is Benefiting" From The Worldwide Lock-Down

Here Is How “Earth Is Benefiting” From The Worldwide Lock-Down

The lock-down is underway in most countries around the world due to the corona-virus. Due to lock-down, smoke-blowing factories are closing every day, the roads becoming empty, and the results seem positive on the earth. Before lock-down, there were lots of vibrations in the earth but since the lock-down has started, the vibrations on earth are decreasing.
These days the earth has become more stable than before. Lock-down has a positive impact on the earth and environment, from observing animals on the roads to breathing fresh air.

Fresh air
The greatest positive effect of lock-down on air pollution. Countries around the world are seeing a drastic decrease in air pollution levels.

There are no vehicles on the road, Companies or factories are closed. The quality of the air is increased by 25% as compared to last year. It becomes possible because there are fewer harmful gases present in the air.


Venice is known for its winding canals. Water quality in Italy has improved significantly due to the corona-virus lock-down. And due to the lack of boat traffic it becomes possible.

River water seems cleaner. Not in one country only but in other countries also water quality has been improved due to lock-down.

Positive effect on the ozone layer

The sudden drop in pollution levels worldwide made a positive effect on the ozone layer.

The ozone layer has finally found some breathing space as the movement of people and vehicles on the roads is less.


Relax to wildlife

Wild animals which were seen in the forests are now seen on the public roads. Lock-down change has resulted in peace in most cities, which have attracted animals to residential areas.

Animals such as deer, blue bull and leopards have been spotted on the roads in various parts of India.

Noise pollution reduction.

Earth has found a way to heal in this extremely difficult and dangerous times of corona. Earth has taught us even in a short-time what a variation a lifestyle change can make.

We always marvel if it were too late to fight climate change but our planet has taught us that if we all do it together we can help her heal.

Through these hard times, many countries have seen a major fall in the level of pollution, Rome has swans in their fountains, boars running around their streets, Dolphins in Venice had to play in their harbors, and the pollution levels have dropped all over the world. This is how the world need to protect.

The Lowest traffic pollution.

Even before the national lock-down started, the phased shutdowns in the world was having an impact.

During the first three weeks of lock-down, the average nitrogen dioxide levels declined by 45% in the cities of India like in Mumbai, Pune, and Ahmedabad, compared with the same period in last two years, stated by Gufran Beig, a scientist with the SAFAR (System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research) under India’s Ministry of Earth sciences.

Assistance in measuring seismic activities.

The data collected as a survey with a seismometer shows that as human activities reduced, the noise arising from the vehicles has also decreased and experts believe it becomes possible due to the lock-down.

In fact, due to the lock-down, earthquake scientists said that 24-hour activities on Earth has stopped. The whole world is staying at home. At this time, due to reduce noise pollution around the world, they are not having any difficulty in managing even the smallest earthquake, whereas Earlier, this was possible with great difficulty.