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Health & Life

HomeLifeEffects of smoking "CIGARETTES"

Effects of smoking “CIGARETTES”

1. Lung damage

A person breathes not only nicotine but also a variety of additional chemicals therefore smoking cigarettes affects lung health. A substantial increase in the risk of developing lung cancer is due to cigarettes. This risk is 25.7 times greater for women and 25 times greater for men.

The greater risk of dying and developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is present in smoking cigarettes. The American Lung Association report that smoking causes 80% of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths.

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are developed due to cigarettes. These aggravate an asthma attack.

2. Fertility problems

If female smoking cigarettes then it become more difficult to get pregnant and it can damage a female’s reproductive system also because cigarettes contain tobacco and the other chemicals which affect hormone.

The higher the risk of erectile dysfunction when more cigarettes a male smokes or the longer he smokes. The quality of sperm is affected by smoking and reduce fertility.

3. Risk of type 2 diabetes

Those who smoke usually have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 40 percent. If a person is having diabetes and also smoking it becomes more difficult for that person to manage their condition.

4. Poor oral hygiene

Smoking cigarettes multiplies the risk of gum infection. As the more a person smokes it increase the risk accordingly. Symptoms of gum disease are sensitive teeth, loose teeth, bleeding at the time of brushing and swollen or tender gums. If a person smokes tobacco, then the ability to smell or taste of a person starts decreasing. It stains the teeth in brown or yellow color. 

5. Unhealthy skin and hair

Smoking tobacco and cigarettes are injurious to the skin and hair of people. Smokers may experience wrinkled skin and prematurely aged. The risk of skin cancer also increases and specifically on the lips.
Smoking contributes to hair loss, balding and can cause the skin or hair to smell of tobacco.

6. Heart disease

If we smoke cigarettes it will damage the blood cells, blood vessels, and heart.

Cigarettes contain chemicals and tar which can increase a person’s risk of atherosclerosis, which buildup plaque in the blood vessels. This buildup can lead to dangerous blockages and limits blood flow.

The risk of peripheral artery disease can be increased due to smoking, it happens when it restricting blood flow and the arteries to the arms.

There is a direct link between developing peripheral artery disease and smoking. People who used to smoke more face greater risk as compared to those who never smoked.

The risk of stroke, blood clots, heart attack and angina or chest pain is increased for those who are having peripheral artery disease.

7. Vision problems

Smoking cigarettes involves greater risk of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and can cause eye problems. Other vision problems related to smoking are Dry Eyes, Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma.

8. Weakened immune system

Cigarettes can slack a person’s immune system and making those persons more susceptible to illness. These can also cause additional inflammation in the body.

9. Risk of pregnancy complications

Smoking is injurious for the pregnant ladies, it reduces the weight of the newborn baby and can improve the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Smoking develops a fetus in several ways and affects pregnancy by damaging the fetus’s lungs, brain, central nervous system, increasing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and the risk of preterm delivery also involves.

10. Cause other cancers

Cigarette smoking causes pancreatic cancers by twenty-five percent and bladder cancer also. Stomach cancer because of tobacco. Others are Kidney cancer, colon cancer, Mouth Cancer and throat cancer.