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HomeFactsDo you know? About the world's most expensive bra?

Do you know? About the world’s most expensive bra?

Do you know the cost of the world’s most expensive bra? Do you know that 80 percent of the world’s women wear the wrong bra? If not, in this article, learn about bra-like shocking facts which we have never heard before. Apart from this, know how the wrong size and worn bra can cause health problems for women.

What does history say about bras?

The word “Bra” is not new, but it’s old. What does history say about bras?

  • In 1907 the term brassiere was first used.
  • Mary Fallas designed the bra first. Later this design was sold to a company.
  • In Egypt, the bra’s were made with leather before. And women try hard to wear those bras.
  • Women wore a sports bra while doing activities like yoga, exercise, and workout. Do you know when this sports bra came into existence? The sports bra started in 1975.
  • Doctors say about the bra that if the bra is not of the right size, then it leads to pain in the neck, back, and shoulders.

The world’s most expensive bra?

In 1997, the padded bras invented. In 1800 the first push-up bra was introduced. Victoria Secret is the most expensive bra in the world.

This bra, made in 2001, is valued at 12.5 million dollars (currently Rs 88 crore). This Heavenly star bra has more than 1200 Sri Lankan pink sapphires and diamonds.

Some more facts about bras

Famous about the bra and some other factors which are very fun-

  • According to studies, the size of women’s bosoms is heavy in the United Kingdom. At least 50% of the women wear D cups.
  • A university in China offers degrees of bra studies.
  • On 13 October, “no bra day” is celebrated in many countries to spread awareness about breast cancer.

The effect of the bra on the body

The bra is a reason for frequent back pain. Especially for those women who wear very tight bras, and this may cause you to have back pain.

This type of bra is harmful to health.

Underwire bra is being much preferred and in the trend. We don’t know that bras can affect blood circulation. Its wire affects the muscles around the breast. It directly affects the nervous system.

Psychological Facts about Bras

Psychological facts about bras are-

  • Ladies who often have scarlet undergarments believe that they are very passionate about everything in life. These women are also confident and courageous.
  • Pink colors indicate the kindness of women. Such ladies are peace-loving and caring.
  • Yellow is a symbol of happiness. This beautiful color that you have chosen also shows your creativity. Such women believe in logically solving problems.
  • Women wearing the beige bra are positive and focused toward their goals. They build relationships slowly and logically. Even if they choose a partner?
  • The white color indicates that they are a very organized personality and is visible in their love life. They are clear about their relationship.
  • Ladies who like to wear black bra are quite mysterious. If we talk about romance, then such women are passionate about sexual intercourse.

Benefits of wearing a bra

After knowing about the bra, know the benefits of wearing a bra. Some of its benefits are:

Improves posture

Wearing a bra helps to maintain physical posture. Correct posture avoids many types of physical problems. Especially women with large size breasts must wear a bra. Not wearing a bra can cause backache problems.

Breasts get support

Women do not have muscles in their breasts. Breasts made with fatty tissues.

Therefore, the bra should be worn to support the breasts and not cause breasts to hang downwards.

Look attractive

Proper breast size makes breasts attractive and curvy. Also, women feel very confident after wearing a bra. Therefore, women must wear a bra to keep their confidence high.

Disadvantages of Wearing Bra

There are some changes in the body from time to time. Due to this, the size of your breasts also changes. In such a situation, wearing a bra of the same size may also face some physical problems. Wearing the wrong size bra causes pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. Also, redness occurs on the skin around the breasts. Hence, wear a bra during running activities like workouts, swimming, walks, and jogging. The rest of the time, we can live without a bra.

I hope you liked our article on the bra. If there is any question or suggestion related to this topic, then you can share it with us in the comment box. 

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