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How to lose “WEIGHT”

1. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals Drinking water can help in losing weight. Our metabolism is boosted by 25-28% between 60 or 90 minutes by...
HomeFactsAmazing Science Facts!

Amazing Science Facts!

This world is full of wonders. Discoveries in the field of science have made such long strides in the last one hundred years which it did not have made in the previous thousand years.

There are so many amazing and surprising facts about science and its discoveries. It is not possible to sum them up here at all. However, we have tried to compile a list of the most amazing and surprising facts and knowledgeable information.

I hope you enjoy these facts. Do share if you like them and want you, friends, to share this information.

  1. The speed of light is 1 lakh 86 a thousand miles per second.
  2. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for sunlight to reach the Earth.
  3. 10 percent of the total population of people born in the world is still alive.
  4. Earth rotates on its axis at a speed of 1 thousand miles per second. The speed of the Earth to revolve around the Sun in space is 67 thousand miles per second.
  5. Every year, more than 1 million earthquakes occur on the earth.
  6. There was a huge explosion in the volcano in Krakatoa in 1883 so that the sound of the eruption of this volcano was so high that the sound of the eruption of this volcano was also heard in Australia at a distance of 4,800 kilometers.
  7. Every second the sky hits the earth 100 times in the earth.
  8. Every year 1 thousand people die due to lightning.
  9. In October 1999, the London-shaped iceberg was separated from the Antarctic.
  10. If you drive your car directly upwards, you will reach the space in just one hour.
  11. Our earth is 4.5 billion years old, along with it, the sun and the moon are also 4.5 billion years old.
  12. Astronauts cannot burp in space – because there is no gravity in space so that the gas does not come out of their stomach and it stays inside.
  13. DNA was discovered in the year 1869 by Swiss Friedrich Maschler.
  14. Gunpowder was discovered in the year 1866 by Alfred Nobel.
  15. 4 out of 5 people die of the Ebola virus.
  16. After 5 billion years, the fuel of the sun will run out and it will take the shape of a huge red circle.
  17. Pencil was invented before the invention of the rubber. The bread was first used to erase words written with a pencil.
  18. The sun is bigger than the earth, but do you know that the sun is millions of times bigger than the earth, that means the sun is so big that it contains millions of earth.
  19. There are 100 billion galaxies in our universe.
  20. Every hour our universe spreads for a billion miles.
  21. The thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo.
  22. So many germs move by shaking hands, not even as much as kissing.
  23. On December 16, 1811, the Mississippi River began to vomit due to a 7.9 Richter earthquake that struck New Madrid.
  24. The first heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard in 1967, in which the patient survived for 18 days.
  25. The tallest tree in the world was an Australian eucalyptus – in 1872 it was measured to be 435 feet tall.
  26. When we sneak, it speeds up to 100 miles per hour.
  27. Dogs are trained to detect bombs. But do you know that bees are also trained for this.
  28. You must have heard that the lion hunts, but did you know that the lioness is 90 percent hunted. The lion comes to his aid only when he is needed.
  29. The world’s first computer “ENIAC” was 27 tons, which was as big as a hall.
  30. There is water in three-quarters of the earth, but 97 percent of the total water is salty. For this reason, we have only 1 percent of water to drink.