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Health Care: Know The Valuable Benefits Of Cow’s Milk And Turmeric Milk

Drinking milk is beneficial for health and especially for bones. We know this, but instead of drinking packet milk, if we drink cow's milk,...
HomeworldWorld’s Most Amazing Restaurants With Spectacular Views

World’s Most Amazing Restaurants With Spectacular Views

The foodie travels the world searching for the most extraordinary restaurants to get a food fix. A restaurant with a view can take a dining experience from mediocre to magnificent.

Whether you’re looking out over a city’s silhouette, the glittering coastline or acres of rolling countryside, check out some of the world’s best restaurants with views, for memories that last long after your plate is cleared.

Here are 10 of the world’s most amazing restaurants with spectacular views

#1. Big Sur, Calif, U.S.A.

#2.  Eagle’s Eye, Golden, Canada

#3. Elements Restaurant, Scottsdale, U.S.A.

#4. Sunset da Mona Lisa, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

#5. Dasheene, St Lucia, West Indies

#6. The River Cafe, Brooklyn, U.S.A.

#7. 6.8 Palopo, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

#8. Sanctuary Lodge, Peru

#9. Le Jules Verne, Paris, France

#10. Ristorante Grotta Palazzese, Italy