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Some Amazing and Eye-opening Facts about Water

Undoubtedly, without water, we’d be nothing but just dust. It is one of the most common substances on earth, and one of the most...
HomeLOLWatch Will Smith and Margot Robbie Insult One Another

Watch Will Smith and Margot Robbie Insult One Another

“You look like a less hot version of Obama!” – Suicide Squad stars Will Smith and Margot Robbie take it in turns to INSULT EACH OTHER in the Playground Insults Game on Scott Mills’ radio show.

Where else will you see Will Smith and Margot Robbie insult one another? Watch the stars of Suicide Squad take turns insulting one another during the Scott Mills’ Radio Show on BBC One as they tour the world promoting their movie back in July 2016.

Who will win when two Hollywood superstars rip each other apart?

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