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How to control “ANGER”

1. Take action Tackle your anger energy. Even do something generous for others. Pour your spirit, emotions and energy into the things which are fertile,...
HomeOMGThis is shocking! The most amazing thing you'll ever watch!.

This is shocking! The most amazing thing you’ll ever watch!.

According to a comment by Bob K. “I think the happiness and love this man obviously experiences by interacting with these big cats, overwhelms his sense of fear about the possible consequences, and I can’t help being reminded of the sad and unfortunate story about Timothy Treadwell (The Grizzly Man). Timothy had a great love and passion for grizzly bears, and for years spent weeks in a remote part of Alaska interacting, naming, talking to them and even touching them at times.

Unfortunately for him and his girlfriend — who accompanied him on his last visit of the year — both wound up being eaten alive by one of the bears he loved so much. But this lion guy said himself: “I know they could kill me”. So obviously what he gets out of the interaction is worth a great deal more to him than his life. Personally, I wouldn’t attempt such a thing; there’s a good reason they’re referred to as “wildlife”.”