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1) Look your excuses in the eye A person's best friend and the greatest enemy are their Excuses, said by Bernie Roth, a professor, and...
HomeOMGThe Most Expensive Books in the World

The Most Expensive Books in the World

The Most Expensive Books in the World

1. The Codex Leicester

  • Author: Leonardo da Vinci
  • Price: $ 30.8 million (About Rs.200.2 million)

2. The Gospel of Henry the Lion, Order of St. Benedict

  • Price: $ 11.7 million (Rs. 76.05 crores)

3. Birds of America

  • Author: James Audubon
  • Price: 11.5 million (about Rs 74.75 crores)

4. Canterbury Tales

  • Author: Geoffrey Chasar
  • Price: $ 7.5 million (Rs 48.75 crores)

5. First polio

  • Author: William Shakespeare
  • Price: $ 6 million (Rs 39 crore)