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HomeFactsSome interesting information related to the brain

Some interesting information related to the brain

Some interesting information related to the brain

  • The brain has three parts.

1.  fore brain

2.  mid brain

3.  hind brain

  • The brain shrinks after being continuously sweated for 90 minutes.
  • There are more than 1 lakh chemical reactions in the brain every second and according to these chemicals, our brain works.
  • The brain of men is 10% larger than that of women. Scientist Einstein‘s brain was 10% smaller than that of a normal human brain but the neuron density in his brain was more than a normal brain.
  • Sperm whale has the largest brain
  • The brain also works while sleeping.
  • The brain can never have pain because the brain does not have pain receptors.
  • There is an increased risk of brain tumors in people who use more mobile phones.
  • When you remember something new, your brain structure changes.
  • Power works on the law of attraction. Our brain has so many blood vessels (blood vessels) that we can wrap the earth four times.
  • About 60, 000 thoughts come to the mind of a normal person every day.
  • Our brain is 2% of our body but it uses 20% of the total oxygen and blood also uses 20%.
  • If our brain does not get oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes then our brain can get damaged.
  • Our brain is made up of 75% water.
  • Our brain develops 95% at the age of 5 years and develops 100% by 18 years.
  • When a person awakens, his brain generates 10 to 23 watts of power, which is enough to light a light bulb.
  • Our brain can converge from 90 mins to 1: 30 hrs. After this, your concentration is broken.
  • If you tickle yourself, you don’t laugh because a part of your brain tells the cerebellum that it is yourself.
  • When you are talking to someone, your brain tells you that the person in front of you is listening or ignoring you.
  • Do you know that the number of stars in our brain, the number of stars means 100 billion.
  • There is a “Midbrain Dopamine System” in our brain, which sends a signal to the brain about events. This may be the reason why we call it the forecast of the future. Perhaps this is why some people are able to predict.
  • When you drink alcohol, your brain cannot build memory powers, so things do not remember.
  • The brain becomes active within about 8 -10 minutes of drinking alcohol and we start getting intoxicated.
  • A healthy full-blown brain can work up to 30,000 times faster than a computer. Which can be called a superpower.

These are facts that surprise a human being on how sharp his mind is.