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HomeFactsSome Interesting Facts About “CATS” And Why People Prefer Them As Pets.

Some Interesting Facts About “CATS” And Why People Prefer Them As Pets.

Cats are small animal has soft fur and kept by people for catching mice or as their pets worldwide.

1) Adorable

Cats look so adorable, delightful, and we can’t ignore them when they just innocently look at us. They seem very cutesy at that time.

2) They Can Live for a Long Time

It’s very heartbreaking to lose a pet in life rather than other things, An average cat has 15 years of lifespan and it is satisfying to have them for long.

3) They Were Once Worshipped by Egyptians

According to Egyptian history, cats worked hard to be welcomed into homes. They started held in high regard when it is noticed that the animals resembled Bast, the Ancient Egyptian goddess of warfare.

4) People Find Their Purrs Therapeutic

Purring not only charming and loving but for humans it can also be a tranquil sound. There are several videos of cats available online which purring and help people fall asleep.

5) Good for Health

These help us to keep healthy and it’s amazing to keep them as pets with us. These also reduce the uncertainty of heart attack and lower our blood pressure according to research.

6) Cats are Efficient Drinkers Because They’re Sophisticated Beings

Cats drink water gracefully found in a study, or if we have Misophonia then we may want to get a cat as a pet at home.

7) Cats are Better for the Environment

These left a very smaller carbon footprint as these cats eat less meat if we compared with dogs.

8) They Groom Themselves

These cats groom themselves and save energy or time generally by keeping take care of themselves.

9 Cats Don’t Make Us Feel Bad When we Leave Them

We may start to feel guilty when we leave our pet behind while going to work but in a day about 15 hours a cat can sleep when they feel bored so it becomes easy for us to leave them alone at home.

10) Most Intelligent House Pet

Cats are indeed much smarter than people. They have an excellent memory and sharp learning habit, and learn constantly according to Animal Planet.

11) They Have Playful Moods

Cats have plenty of energy stored up. They release their energy at playtime and therefore they love to play more and don’t hunt for their food.

12) They Are Low Maintenance

We can leave the cats alone for a single day or two days. It is possible if they have their water, food, toys and clutter box with them. It is good for the owner if he wants to go somewhere for 1-2 days, he can easily reach that place. And we can speak with a veterinarian before.

13) Cats Often Cost Less to Care for Than a Dog.

Cats require less as compared to dogs if we gave them toys to play, trips to groomer or food according to ASPCA. They cost less and need less care.

14) Cats are Ideal Pet for Apartments

Cats are quiet, therefore enough apartments permit cats. When someone rings doorbell they have fewer chances to wake neighbors up as if we say compared to dogs who usually barks.

15) Cats Can Help Kids Learn Social Skills

According to, these cats have lots of positive effects on kids if owning a cat. They can teach children how to deal with traumatic situations and develop social skills in them.

16) They’re Very Photogenic

They look pretty charming in real and in photos also and their eyes look expressive and big which makes those photos more attractive.

17) While Sleeping they can Hear and Smell.

These cats stay super alert even when they are snoozing. It is also true that, they sleep more. And at that time of sleeping, they can actively smell and hear the things, if we notice they can pounce on a pest.

18) Make a person Smarter

A self-proclaimed in a study between cat lovers versus dog lovers done, in which a dog lover scored less as compared to cat lover which shows a cat lover has a more intellectual level than a dog lover. This is done at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

19) Keep House Pest-Free

Cats keep home pest free and also free from mice, as they are the natural vulture. They have the hunter instinct even if they are pet or domestic. So, accordingly it’s good to have cats.

20) Say Goodbye to Allergies

Cats can lower the risk of getting allergies to kids. So it’s beneficial to have a cat as a pet at a young age. According to the National Institute of Health, allergies like dust mites, grass and ragweed which are other common allergies can be prevented if we have a cat as a pet.