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HomeFactsPet dogs that get along well with children

Pet dogs that get along well with children

Everyone likes dogs and this is the reason why pet dogs are like family members. Especially children like pet dogs very much. Children love to play and jump with dogs.

There are many types of dog breeds that get along very quickly with family members and children. We have made a list of 5 such breeds. So if you want to buy a dog, then reading this post can make it easier for you to take your decision.

English Bulldog

English Bulldog is the most liked dog. Dogs of this breed are very peaceful by nature. Dogs of this breed are also very attractive and cute looking.

The English Bully is loyal, gentle and affectionate in addition to living in a family environment. An English Bulldog tends to be more protective of children, so when it comes to a playmate for children, the English Bulldog is the first name that comes to mind.

Rough Collie

Rough Collies are also one of the good dog breeds. Dogs of this breed are extremely kind and affectionate towards the people they love. They are also considered very intelligent.

They like to live in home environment especially if there are children in the house, because these dogs are more attached to children. They are too humble to be involved in everything around them.

The most important thing in these is that when these dogs are playing with small children in the house, they also take care of the children.


Samoyed is also a very good type of dog, which has a very kind nature. Especially when it comes to children. So this lovely looking dog prefers to live in a homely environment, and gets along well with children very quickly.

The Samoyed plays interactive games with the children. This is the reason that smiles come on the faces of children on seeing these charming dogs.

Golden Retrievers

Dogs of the Golden Retriever breed are very fast in sports and they are very popular in India. Golden retrievers are better suited to homes with children. Because they are known to mix quickly with children and jump to play.

Their speciality is that these dogs like to hang out with their owners and sleep on their feet.


Labrador breed dog is very much liked in India as well as in other countries. Labrador is a dog of such a breed, which dissolves very quickly. They are also very fast in playing and jumping and are very disciplined.

Not only children but old people also like Labrador very much.

In this video small children are playing with their pet dogs. You will be forced to laugh after watching this video. In this video you will see very hilarious moments.