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HomeUncategorizedPeople's Temple: Where more than 900 people were killed due to superstition!

People’s Temple: Where more than 900 people were killed due to superstition!

Superstition is an irrational belief based on a fabricated explanation of supernatural effects. People are ready to do anything due to superstition. Today we are going to tell you about a heart-wrenching superstition. After listening to which your soul will tremble.

About 45 years ago, more than 900 people committed suicide simultaneously in Jonestown, Guyana, located near America?

This heart-wrenching incident happened on November 18, 1978. This incident is considered one of the largest suicide incidents ever reported in Guyana. Whoever hears about this incident is astonished.

Actually, the person who was behind this incident called himself a religious leader whose name was Jim Johns. He used to call himself the incarnation of God.









To prove himself great among the people, Jim Johns established a church named ‘People’s Temple’ in the year 1956 in the name of helping the needy people. After this, on the basis of his religious talk and superstition, he made thousands of people his followers.

Jim Johns was a person of communist ideology and his views were completely different from the US government. So he went away from the city with his followers to the jungles of Guyana and there he also established a small village. But only after a few days his reality started coming among the people.

Actually, Jim Johns used to make his followers (be it women or men) work all day long and at night when they went to sleep after getting tired, he did not even let them sleep and started his speech. During this his soldiers used to go from house to house to see if anyone was sleeping.

If anyone was found sleeping, they were severely punished. He did not even allow people to go out of the village.

While the men and women worked, their children were kept in a community hall. His soldiers kept guard around the village day and night, so that no one ran away from there.

Jim Johns had spread his web of superstition so much that people would believe whatever he said. Meanwhile, when the American government came to know about the activities happening there, the government thought of taking action. But Jim Jones also came to know about this and asked all his followers to gather at one place.

It is said that during this time Johns told the people that the US government is coming to kill us all. Before they riddle us with bullets, we should all drink holy water. By doing this we will be saved from the pain of bullets.












Jim told the people that if you do not do what he said then they will bomb us and those who survive will be treated like animals, will rape women and give various kinds of troubles to children. Therefore they have to drink holy water to protect ourselves from them.

Johns had already prepared a soft drink by mixing dangerous poison in a big tub and gave it to people to drink.

Anyone who refused to drink the poisoned drink was forced to drink it. In this way, more than 900 people lost their lives due to the influence of a superstitious person. More than 300 children were also included in those who died.

This incident is considered one of the largest massacres of all time. It is said that after people died, Jim Johns’ body was also found at one place. He had shot himself or perhaps someone had shot him at his behest.

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