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HomeFunnyList of most unusual Phobias

List of most unusual Phobias

We have always heard of very common phobias like a phobia of night time, phobia of height and many more. In fact, it seems like human beings can get scared of almost anything in this world. We bring to you the top ten most unusual phobias that you never knew.

1.Optophobia: Fear Of Opening One’s Eyes

Optophobia is the fear of opening one’s eyes. Yes, there are people scared of opening their eyes. The origin of the word opto is Greek meaning eyes and phobia is Greek meaning fear. This fear usually is caused by a traumatic experience such as seeing one have a fatal accident and witnessing the whole event. This fear is usually debilitating because the phobic person might prefer to stay indoors in a darkly lit room where the walls are almost bare and they don’t see a lot of things.

2. Xanthophobia – fear of the color yellow

Xanthophobia is the fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. The origin of the word Xantho is Greek meaning yellow and phobia is Greek meaning fear. Xanthophobia is considered to be a specific phobia. The phobia occurs because of some specific, traumatic experience that occurred. For example, a fear of the color yellow could be a bee sting, getting hit by a vehicle that was yellow.

3. Turophobia- fear of cheese

Turophobia from the Greek word turi, meaning “cheese“, and Phobos, “fear” is the fear of cheese. People suffering this phobia would avoid consuming cheesy stuff like cheese pizza. People fear cheese often because of their gooey appearance and cheesy taste. Turophobes have a difficult time getting near cheese and may result in cold sweat upon sight of cheese. Some turophobes even fear from the words cheese, cheesy, and similarly-sounded words and phrases.

4. Somniphobia- fear of falling asleep

Somniphobia is also known as hypnophobia. It is the abnormal and irrational fear of sleep. If you are worried about falling asleep and this concern is not based on any rational or obvious reasoning then you may be suffering from somniphobia. There are many reasons why people may suffer from somniphobia, as with any fear: they may have had repeated bad experiences with nightmares. Somniphobics may also fear losing time while sleeping.

5. Omphalophobia- fear of the navel

Omphalophobia is the fear of bellybuttons. The word is derived from Greek Omphalo meaning navel and Phobos meaning deep dread or fear. Sufferers are afraid to have their bellybuttons touched or to touch another person’s belly button. People suffering from Omphalophobia are terrified of belly buttons– their own or, in some cases, those of the others. They do not like touching their navel. Sometimes the mere sight of the belly button is enough to make them feel disgusted or terrified.

6. Pogonophobia- fear of beards

The term pogonophobia has been used since the 1850s to describe a strong fear of beards. The term pogonophobia is derived from the Greek words pogon for beard and Phobos for fear. Pogonophobia is a word that refers to intense fear or dislike of beards. The exact causes of pogonophobia are unknown, but several things could contribute such as a negative or traumatic past experience with a bearded person, associating facial hair with illness or being unclean, unfair stereotypes about people with beards.

7.Dextrophobia: fear of having objects at your right

Dextrophobia is the fear of objects at the right side of the body. The origin of the word Dextro is Latin meaning to the right and phobia is Greek meaning fear. The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, dread and anything associated with panic such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking.

8.Ablutophobia: Fear of bathing and cleaning

Ablutophobia is a specific phobia in which individuals have an irrational fear of bathing or washing. It can affect children and adults and is more common in women than in men. Lack of washing can have some important consequences. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that washing the body, hair, and face regularly, along with frequent hand-washing, is an excellent way to prevent the spread of diseases and conditions, including chronic diarrhea and lice.

9.Phobophobia: Fear of having a phobia

Phobophobia is a fear experienced before actually experiencing the fear of the feared phobias its somatic sensations that precede it, which is preceded by generalized anxiety disorders and can generate panic attacks. Like all the phobias, the patients avoid the feared phobia in order to avoid the fear of it. Some people with phobophobia already have one or more existing phobias, while others are afraid that they might develop one. Phobophobia is often, but not always, linked to other anxiety disorders.

10.Kathisophobia: Fear of sitting down

Kathisophobia can be defined as the fear of sitting down. The origin of the word kathiso is Greek meaning to sit or sitting and phobia is Greek meaning fear. Kathisophobia is an intense concern of something that poses no actual danger. Some adults with this phobia realize that these fears are irrational, however, they are unable to face, or consider facing this illness. Just the idea can bring panic attacks and intense anxiety. Kathisophobia is a specific (or “isolated”) phobia, centered on non-social key factors.

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