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HomeLifeHow To Attract Money By Law Of Attraction

How To Attract Money By Law Of Attraction


Many people are living in “no I don’t need it,” or “that’s okay” and “no thank you.” We reject money when we did this. I saw many times when people don’t feel grateful for having money. They come from a scarcity place and they don’t have a lot.

When we switch our mindset to one where we over-deliver in providing value, we will give so much that when someone gives back to us, we’ll gladly accept. We not only have to be good at receiving, but we also have to be good at giving.
Notice if we push money away and reject it when it’s offered to you. This is no small thing. Start accepting money.

By not receiving you’re lost the available money to you. Saying yes to money if it offered and practice feeling worthy.


If a person wants to attract money from a place of earning more money, then he has to understand the most valuable money lesson I’ve learned to date. Value creates money, not time.

We don’t go into the Apple store and ask how much time it took to create the iPhone, how many hours it took for someone to develop. We ask what features it has. We want to know the value of that product. In the same way, we pay money in exchange for the value of a product, someone pays we money for the value we provide. This applies regardless of our profession.

We’re paid for the value we provide in our job or business, not the actual hours of our work. Think about it. We don’t hand over our hours to someone. We don’t go to a job and sit and exchange hours. We have job duties. we’re paid for producing value to the company.

Whether we’re working at the mall, whether we’re practicing as a dentist in a practice, whether we’re a freelance writer working from home – we’re always paid money in exchange for the value we provide.

When we switch from living in the time economy to the value economy (this is what I call it), our entire world shifts.

Instead of picking up more hours, we start to think about how we can provide more value in our job. When we provide more value, we will attract money. But if we put more value into the universe, we will have more opportunities and we will attract more money. It works just try it.


We have to want more money. Not what money can buy. Not for protection. Just to have. But we just have to love the having of money, if we want to save a large amount of money from a place of abundance. This is hard. Money is just paper we’ve all decided has to value. With intention, when we practice doing want to have more money from a place of abundance we’ll hold on to more money.


Once we’re aware of our money mindset, we have to change it if it isn’t serving you. Think about all the possibilities for money and we can choose to believe anything we want about money. We don’t have to listen to other people or anyone else. We do not need to worry about money. It’s true. The emotion of concern is not helpful. We need to stop worrying if we want to make money.

We started making the best decisions for us, when we learned, that how could we choose to believe whatever we wanted about money and we felt so empowered. No one else could make us this type of decision. When we own our life financially or make a change to support us by changing our money mindset, we attract money and it’s super empowering.


How we feel, notice when we see our bank records. Are we paying close attention to money or just ignoring and avoiding it. We need to feel grateful when we logged into our bank accounts. Not just thinking but the feelings play an important role. Even if we don’t have a lot of money, there is no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed about money.

According to me is to feel bad about money because we don’t have a lot of it, it is the most dis-empowering thing. When we do this, we perpetuate the cycle of scarcity around money – we continue to think there’s not enough and therefore we avoid our money, overspend, and have so much fear around it.

Money is just money. Whatever amount of money we have is perfect for us right now. We don’t have to have any shame about money. Without feeling bad about money, when we can accept our money as it is, we start loving money. I don’t mean love what money can buy us. I mean just love the money as it sits there in our bank account. I also don’t mean love it from a place of scarcity where we’re hoarding it and afraid of losing it. Proud of it. Happy about it. And loving it.
When we love our money, we’ll love the having of it and it will grow.