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HomeHistoryHistory of 25 March

History of 25 March

History of 25 March

1906 – Pittsburgh millionaire Harry Kendall Thaw, the son of coal and railroad baron William Thaw, shot and killed Stanford White. White, a prominent architect, had a tryst with Florence Evelyn Nesbit before she married Thaw. The shooting took place at the premiere of Mamzelle Champagne in New York.

1910 – The U.S. Congress authorized the use of postal savings stamps.

1917 – The first American fighting troops landed in France.

1920 – The Greeks took 8,000 Turkish prisoners in Smyrna.

1921 – Samuel Gompers was elected head of the AFL for the 40th time.

1938 – Gaelic scholar Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first president of the Irish Republic.

1941 – Finland declared war on the Soviet Union.

1946 – Ho Chi Minh traveled to France for talks on Vietnamese independence.

1948 – The Soviet Union tightened its blockade of Berlin by intercepting river barges heading for the city.

1950 – North Korea invaded South Korea initiating the Korean War.

1951 – In New York, the first regular commercial color TV transmissions were presented on CBS using the FCC-approved CBS Color System. The public did not own color TV at the time.

1959 – The Cuban government seized 2.35 million acres under a new agrarian reform law.

1959 – Eamon De Valera became president of Ireland at the age of 76.

1962 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the use of unofficial non-denominational prayer in public schools was unconstitutional.

1964 – U.S. President Lyndon Johnson ordered 200 naval personnel to Mississippi to assist in finding three missing civil rights workers.

1968 – Bobby Bonds (San Francisco Giants) hit a grand-slam home run in his first game with the Giants. He was the first player to debut with a grand slam.

1970 – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission handed down a ruling (35 FR 7732), making it illegal for radio stations to put telephone calls on the air without the permission of the person being called.

1973 – Erskine Childers Jr. became president of Ireland after the retirement of Eamon De Valera.

1973 – White House Counsel John Dean admitted that U.S. President Nixon took part in the Watergate cover-up.

1975 – Mozambique became independent. Samora Machel was sworn in as president after 477 years of Portuguese rule.

1981 – The U.S. Embassy in San Salvador was damaged when gunmen attacked using rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.

1981 – The Dow Jones industrial average of selected stocks on the New York Stock Exchanged closed at its highest level in more than eight years.

1982 – Wayne Gretzky became the first player in the NHL to score 200 points in a season.

1983 – The U.S. Congress passed legislation to rescue the U.S. social security system from bankruptcy.

1985 – It was reported that a U.S. Army Major stationed in East Germany had been shot and killed by a Soviet Border Guard.

1986 – U.S. President Ronald Reagan ordered emergency aid for the Honduran army. U.S. helicopters took Honduran troops to the Nicaraguan border.

1988 – Robert E. Chambers Jr. pled guilty to first-degree manslaughter in the death of 18-year-old Jennifer Levin. The case was known as New York City’s “preppie murder case.”

1989 – In Paris, the Louvre reopened with I.M. Pei’s new courtyard pyramid.

1990 – A fire in Happy Land, an illegal New York City social club, killed 87 people.

1990 – Estonia voted for independence from the Soviet Union.

1991 – Iraqi President Saddam Hussein launched a major counter-offensive to recapture key towns from Kurds in northern Iraq.

1992 – Soviet cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev returned to Earth after spending 10 months aboard the orbiting Mir space station.

1993 – President de Klerk admitted that South Africa had built six nuclear bombs, but said that they had since been dismantled.

1994 – United States troops completed their withdrawal from Somalia.

1995 – Boxer Mike Tyson was released from jail after serving 3 years.

1996 – An 81-day standoff by the antigovernment Freemen began at a ranch near Jordan, MT.

1996 – The U.S. issued a newly redesigned $100 bill for circulation.

1998 – A cancer patient was the first known to die under Oregon’s doctor-assisted suicide law.

1998 – The FCC nets $578.6 million at auction for licenses for new wireless technology.

1998 – Quinn Pletcher was found guilty on charges of extortion. He had threatened to kill Bill Gates unless he was paid $5 million.

2002 – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) dismissed complaints against Walt Disney Co.’s ABC network broadcast of Victoria’s Secret fashion show in November 2001.

2004 – The U.S. Senate voted (61-38) on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (H.R. 1997) to make it a separate crime to harm a fetus during the commission of a violent federal crime.

2006 – Capitol Hill massacre: A gunman kills six people before taking his own life at a party in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood.

2006 – Protesters demanding a new election in Belarus, following the rigged Belarusian presidential election, 2006, clash with riot police. Opposition leader Aleksander Kozulin is among several protesters arrested.

Celebrating Birthday Today

  • 1982 – Danica Patrick, American race car driver
  • 1982 – Álvaro Saborío, Costa Rican footballer
  • 1982 – Jenny Slate, American comedian, actress, and author
  • 1983 – Mickaël Hanany, French high jumper
  • 1984 – Katharine McPhee, American singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1984 – Liam Messam, New Zealand rugby player
  • 1985 – Carmen Rasmusen, Canadian-American singer-songwriter and actress
  • 1985 – Diana Rennik, Estonian figure skater
  • 1986 – Marco Belinelli, Italian basketball player
  • 1986 – Megan Gibson, American softball player
  • 1986 – Kyle Lowry, American basketball player
  • 1986 – Mickey Paea, Australian rugby league player
  • 1987 – Jacob Bagersted, Danish handball player
  • 1987 – Victor Obinna, Nigerian footballer
  • 1987 – Nobunari Oda, Japanese figure skater
  • 1988 – Ryan Lewis, American DJ, musician, record producer, and hip hop recording artist
  • 1988 – Mitchell Watt, Australian long jumper
  • 1988 – Arthur Zeiler, German rugby player
  • 1989 – Aly Michalka, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
  • 1989 – Scott Sinclair, English footballer
  • 1990 – Mehmet Ekici, Turkish footballer
  • 1990 – Alexander Esswein, German footballer
  • 1993 – Jacob Gagan, Australian rugby league player
  • 1993 – Sam Johnstone, English footballer
  • 1994 – Justine Dufour-Lapointe, Canadian skier


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