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HomeBizarreHere are some weird things we might do in our sleep

Here are some weird things we might do in our sleep

How many people faced sleep disorders or parasomnias is not cleared. At some point many of us have faced at least one such event in our life. Parasomnias are unsettling of our actions or behaviors.

The presence of a sleep disorder may be connected with some strange things that a person does in sleep and some common physiological occurrences.

Here are five things some people do while they fall asleep.

1. Sleep starts

Probably many of us are familiar with the hypnic jerks or sleep starts phenomenon.

These are characterized by a sensation of tripping or falling from stairs or from a great height, which results in the sleeper to wake up and the body to jerk.

It starts frequently occurs at any age or in normal people with a popularity of 70 percent in adults. This is not considered a sleep disorder.

When a person is in a transition state of sleep or at a stage of light sleep then the muscle contraction occurs and they last 1 second or less.

The terrifying perception of a “loud bang or flash of light,” and “an auditory sound such as an utterance,” are some less common accompanying sensations listed by Weiss known as “exploding head syndrome.”

Sleep starts are a natural occurrence, Certain factors may increase their likelihood suggested by scientists. And those factors according to Weiss are stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, vigorous exercise, emotional stress, fatigue, and sleep deprivation.

2. Sexual acts

Sexual nature is those controversial unconscious acts performed during sleep, especially when the individual attempts to involve an unwitting co-sleeper.

In an individual fondling, attempted intercourse during sleep, display sexual vocalizations or intercourse is parasomnia characteristics known as sexsomnia.

During the NREM stages of sleep sexsomnia takes place similar to sleepwalking. The documented and reported clinical cases are 95 only. Male sleepers cases are reported more and it’s an embarrassing occurrence. 

Throughout these acts they remain unconscious and can sexually assault their sleeping partner. But in the morning they cannot remember that. 

By attending psychotherapy sessions that focus on stress management, the sexsomnia affected patients started managing control over these occurrences reported by authors.

3. Sleepwalking

The best-known type of parasomnia is somnambulism or sleepwalking, and featuring prominently in movies or literature by captured imaginations of people for years.

During stage three non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep this sleep disorder usually takes place. Brainwaves and breathing slow down in a deep sleep period.

At this stage people cannot be easily woken or makes this so unsettling, but is physically active in a deep state of slumber.

But the weirdness does not stop here.

Specialists Madeleine Grigg-Damberger and Frank Ralls write in Parasomnias that sleepwalkers may appear concomitantly awake and not there to anyone witnessing their actions:

They add that the person frequently walks toward the particular room, sound, light and their behavior may become complex, such as using the bathroom, opening doors or changing clothes.

4. Sleep talking

In children and adolescents sleep talking is a more often expected or common physiological phenomenon and in adults it’s infrequent. 

The sleep talking episodes don’t include intelligence always and those episodes don’t last long according to notes of Parasomnias book written by Shelly Weiss.

During sleep, discourse swear words more often featured 800 times than an individual’s normal daytime talk.

Dr. Arnulf notes in response to a negative dream situation, sleep talking occurs that makes this unguarded and impulsive speech justifiable.

Weiss said at any stage of life sleep, talking episodes can occur and they just disturbing our bed partners.

And I surely say, sleep talking episodes of my partner never fail to unsettle me in which he usually seems distressed, or in pain. They don’t bother him since after morning he starts not to remember all these occurrences.

Weiss said, if we know these external factors that precipitate then it can help to eliminate with the help of our loved once. If they are living with sleep disorder they could experience anxiety, stress, fever and lack of sleep.  

5. Acting out dreams

The parasomnia is also recognized as rapid eye movement (REM). In a state of sleep the performance of fairly complex actions is a sleep disorder behavior. 

Much like sleepwalking and also there are numerous differences between two sleep disorders.

During the REM stage of sleep, this sleep behavior disorder takes place at the time when we are in dreams. The individuals usually respond whatever takes place in their dreams physically, which is not good.

Corresponding to the contents of their dream, trouble sleepers may make chaotic movements. Violent behavior is present more in men as compared to women with REM sleep behavior disorder. 

This parasomnia can be stimulants like coffee, chocolate, alcohol and an individual’s first use of anti-depressant medicine. 

More than fifty percent individuals report the symptoms of REM sleep behavior disorder who are having another sleep-related disorder.