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Some interesting information related to the brain

Some interesting information related to the brain The brain has three parts. 1.  fore brain 2.  mid brain 3.  hind brain The brain shrinks after being continuously...



Ludo is the best and most played game in every country and loved by many people. There is no age limit for this game, the persons of all ages play this game.

Also I saw my neighbors like many ladies play this game by sitting together. And their ages are like above 40, and they enjoy this game after their housewife works and refresh their minds.

One day I sit to play with them then I notice many things like they pronounce “ONE” as “PAE” which is very funny to hear.

We can play it with any person, even if we are alone we can play it online on mobile or computer with persons who are from different countries and even with our Facebook friends, chat icon is also available in ludo which helps to talk with the next person. Enjoy this game at home guys, it is very interesting.


Amazing game, this is one of the best games we ever played in our childhood or enjoy it till now at our young age also. We even play it at our school when the teacher is not available in the class and at lunchtime.

This is so simple and the tools are just a notebook and we use the notebook as “BAT” and paper or silver foil for making “BALL”. We made our self rules for a sixer or four to count runs.

These are just our cricket tools and we just start playing it, even now if we are feeling bored we play it like crazy. But this game is the most lovable and favorite. Do just try it you will enjoy it at home or even at the workplace also.
There is no limit of persons to play in this game and no age limit also.


This is also a popular game that is played with different styles and techniques. This is mostly famous for young and old age groups. This is a mind game if we play it with an experienced person.

There are a total of 52 cards in a normal pack which split into four suits or parts like hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds.

There are numbers and letters on the cards, The number one has the letter A on a card known as ACE, eleven number known as JACK, twelve as QUEEN and Thirteen as KING. And there are some special cards also of JOKER in it.

Young persons play it in clubs or at home and earn money. Old age persons get together in parks in the evening time and play. I usually play it with my grandfather when I am free and with friends also. This is also a good game to play at home and all the age groups enjoy it.


Chess, famous for its unique play techniques and strategies. The most played game between the million persons in the whole world. Only two players in this game can play at one time.

There are two parts of black and white color, each part contains 16 pieces. In each piece there is one king, one queen, two knights, two rooks, eight pawns and two bishops.

This game needs a sharp mind to play, we can make it difficult or as easy as possible it depends on the person. Best game to play at home or to make fun.


Carrom Pool Board is very popular in Bangladesh, India and known by different names in different languages.

It is commonly played the game at home by children, families, and online also in their phones.
There are different rules set by different persons in different areas.

Maximum four players can play it at one time and a minimum of two players.

The types of equipment which used in it are plyboard which is square, small disks of wood, there is a queen of pink color which is aside with wood disks of black and cream color and powder. And all disks contain some points. Queen contains high points. In the end who earns more points win this game.


It’s a game, toy, or a problem that tests the knowledge, ability or ingenuity. It is played in most countries. This is not just a game to have fun only but it helps to build a problem-solving ability in a person because a player needs to put together the pieces in a logical way.

Different age groups play different series of puzzles like hard, easy, etc. Most parents give their child puzzles so that they improve their abilities because it needs more focus. It helps a person to keep busy. We can learn new logics and practice logics by playing brain teaser puzzles.

7. TOMBOLA (Raffle)

This is an Italian game and somewhat like bingo. We usually play it in our office with our colleagues for fun and enjoyment. This game is good if we want to play it at home.

In this game there are some tickets which are provided to players, three raws are there on each ticket and each raw contain 5 numbers.

There is a container also that contains all the numbers in it and the caller picks the number from the container. The players who are having the same number on their tickets cut that number. The one whose all the numbers cut from the tickets win this game.


A monopoly is also a famous game played in many countries. This game is pronounced as “BUSINESS” in India.

This game is very interesting we also played in our childhood. In this game, we own many cities or countries by giving money to the bank and if we visit any city or that is own by another player then we have to give him charges as rent.

Jail is also in this game and to come out from jail we pay some money amount to the bank, if we visit the club then the bank gives money to us. This game played by many children.