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HomeOMGThe 10 Fastest Cars In The World

The 10 Fastest Cars In The World

List of Top 10 Fastest Cars in the World
Sr. No Fastest Cars in the World Speed
1 Hennessey Venom GT 0-435 km/h 2.5 second
2 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 0-96 km/h 2.5 second
3 Koenigsegg Agera R 0-100 km/h 2.9 second
4 SSC Ultimate Aero 0-100 km/h 2.78 second
5 9ff GT9- R car 0-96 mph/h 2.9 second
6 Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo 0-96 km/h 2.8 second
7 Koenigsegg CCX 0-100 km/h 3.2 second
8 McLaren F1 0-100 km/h 3.2 second
9 Jenvo ST1 0-96 km/h 2.9 second
10 Pagani Huayra car 0-96 m/h 3.2 seconds

1. The Hennessey Venom GT can go from 0-435km/h 2.5 seconds. The turbocharged 7.0-liter LS7 V8 Twin Turbo V8 engine that has the power of 1244 horsepower and it’s initial cost is $ 1,000,000.


2. Second fastest and most expensive car is Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. It gains 0-96 km/h in just 2.5 second and it has a narrow-angle 8 liter W16 engine that has the power of 1200 horsepower.


3. Koenigsegg Agera R is another incredible car. It can go from 0-100 km/h in 2.9 seconds. It has twin-turbo V8 of 1099 horse power engine and it tops out at 418 km/h.


4. SSC Ultimate Aero can go from speeds of 0-100 km/h2.78 seconds. It has 1183 horsepower engine, and it has top speed of 413 km/h. Its price is $ 654,400.


5. 9ff GT9- R car can go 0-96 mph/h in just 2.9 seconds. It has twin-turbo 4.0 liter flat-6 of 1120 horse power engine. The initial price is $ 695,000.


6. The Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo can go 0-96 km/h in 2.8 seconds. It has 750 horsepower and maximum speed of 400 km/h.


7. Koenigsegg CCX is another incredible car. It can go from 0-100 km/h3.2 seconds. It has 806 horsepower and reach speeds of 394 km/h.


8. The McLaren F1 can go from 0-100 km/h 3.2 seconds. It has 627 horsepower and can reach maximum speeds of 386 km/h.


9. Jenvo ST1 is another fastest car. This car is powered by 7-liter powerful v8 engine. It can go from 0-96km/h in just 2.9 second and maximum speed of 374 kilometers per hour.


10. Pagani Huayra car in italian sports car. It can go from 0/ 96 kilometers per hour in just 3.2 seconds. This car has the highest speed of 371 kilometers per hour.
