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HomeworldDo you know some strange facts about China

Do you know some strange facts about China

China is a fascinating country! China is famous for its unique inventions worldwide. If you are in China, you will get to see something new there. There are buildings and roads which are made of strange ways and have no limit. Here are some Interesting Facts about China.

1. While training new soldiers to always keep their chins up, a small, but very sharp pin is placed facing upwards through their collars.

2. In order to ensure uniform arm height while marching, soldiers learn to march with their arms wired and attached to poles.

3. There are more than 100 million Chinese citizens that scrape to live off what amounts to one U.S. dollar a day

4. Ketchup is actually a Chinese invention. It was originally a pickled fish sauce called ke-tsiap

5. Instead of driving away with their food from the drive-thru, Chinese people actually park their cars and bring the food back into the restaurant to eat it.

6. There are more than 54 million Christians in China.

7. Chinese death rates by execution are four times higher than anywhere else in the world.

8. These eggs boiled in the urine of young virgin boys is considered a delicacy in certain areas of China.

9. In China, some of the largest record labels are freely downloadable via Google.

10. Because of their aggressive nature and keen vision, geese are used as police animals instead of dogs.

11. As China has a one-child policy, tens of thousands of girl babies are abandoned and more than a million aborted each year in favor of potentially raising a boy.

12. These cave dwellings are called yaodongs. 30,000,000 cave-dwellers live in these dwellings which are more than the entire population of Australia.

13. China’s air pollution is so terrible that it travels across the Pacific and pollutes San Francisco, contributing to more than a third of the city’s air pollution.

14. Certain Chinese food companies were charged for marinating meat in goat urine and making tofu out of raw sewage.

15. Because virginity is highly prized among females, they can pay upwards of $700 to have their hymens restored.

16. If you breathed freely in Beijing for one day, it would be the equivalent of smoking 21 cigarettes.

17. Playstations and other foreign gaming consoles are illegal in China.

18. 19 million cats are eaten every year in China.

19. The longest traffic jam in history, which lasted 12 days over 62 miles was in Shanghai.

20. Smartphone addicts have been given their own walking lane so as not to bump into normal walking pedestrians.

21. The World’s Biggest Mall, located in China, is 99% empty