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HomeOMGColdest Place on the Earth - Oymyakon

Coldest Place on the Earth – Oymyakon

If you think that the places with -1 degree or -2-degree temperature are the coldest, then you are thinking wrong, there are even more cold places in the world.

Yes, we are talking about Oymyakon village in Siberia. The average temperature of this village remains -58 ° C. This is why this place is considered to be called the coldest place in the world.

Earth’s coldest village…

Oymyakon village in Siberia is considered the coldest place of Russia and Earth. You will not believe that in 1933, the lowest temperature of Oymyakon village was recorded as -67.7 degree Celsius.

Oymyakon village is a sparsely populated village. Only 500 people live in this village. These people depend on farming and animal husbandry only.

Oymyakon is a rural locality in Oymyakonsky District of the Sakha Republic, Russia, located along the Indigirka River, 30 kilometers (19 mi) northwest of Tomtor on the Kolyma Highway.

The people of Oymyakon village face difficult situations in life. At -58 ° C you cannot even think of taking water from the taps.

Here if you bounce the water in the air, then the water will come down in the form of ice in the air. Before driving in Oymyakon village, one has to keep the car in a heated garage.

The harsh cold climate permeates nearly every aspect of existence for the people who live in the area.

The winter diet is mostly meat-based, sometimes eaten raw or frozen, due to the inability to grow crops in the frigid temperatures.

Some regional specialties include stroganina, which is raw, long-sliced frozen fish; reindeer meat; raw, frozen horse liver, and ice cubes of horse blood with macaroni.

The village was once a stopover in the 1920s and ’30s for reindeer herders who would water their flocks at a thermal spring that didn’t freeze. Bathrooms are mostly outhouses; the ground is too frozen for pipes.