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HomeOMGAwesome facts about WWE superstar John Cena

Awesome facts about WWE superstar John Cena

John Cena is one of the most popular Wrestler in the history of the WWE. John Cena was born April 23, 1977, in West Newbury, Massachusetts. He started his professional wrestling career in 1999.
Here are a few other amazing facts about the wrestler, rapper and actor.

  1. John Cena has held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship a record number of 12 times.
  2. John Cena recorded a rap album, entitled You Can’t See Me, with his cousin Tha Trademarc, which was released back in 2005.
  3. Cena captured the OVW heavyweight title in February 2002, then made his WWE debut that June when he signed up with the Smack down roster.
  4. Cena captured first heavyweight title in February 2002, then made his WWE debut that June when he signed up with the Smackdown roster.
  5. In 2006, John Cena racked up a marathon 182 matches including a win over Triple H to win the Ironman title in WWE.
  6. Cena started his career as a bodybuilder.
  7. John Cena was an ultimate Pro Wrestler and he also won the company’s heavyweight title in April 2000.
  8. John married his high school friend Elizabeth Huberdeau in 2009 and the couple filed for divorce in 2012. He again dating Nikki Bella  and proposed to her after their mixed tag team match at WrestleMania 33 in 2017.
  9. Cena has won the most WrestleMania match of all time. Cena has won 16 world title, 13 as WWE Champion and three as WWE’s World Heavyweight Champion, four time in WrestleMania.
  10. Cena has won five times U.S champion and was WWE highest paid wrestler of 2016.