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Effects of smoking “CIGARETTES”

1. Lung damage A person breathes not only nicotine but also a variety of additional chemicals therefore smoking cigarettes affects lung health. A substantial increase...
HomeOMG21 November 2016 WWE Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar Full Match

21 November 2016 WWE Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar Full Match

Goldberg defeated Brock Lesnar in a surprisingly quick main event at Survivor Series. Quite honestly, this was a squash match. We have never seen Lesnar take this type of loss in his WWE career.

Lesnar plowed through John Cena at SummerSlam in 2014, only to face him in a rematch at Night of Champions, and again in a Triple Threat match with Seth Rollins at Royal Rumble. The circumstances are a little different, but the same concept of extending the battle between two big names could be in play.

Excerpts taken from a story in Forbes