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HomeBizarre18 Bizarre And Interesting Facts About Christmas

18 Bizarre And Interesting Facts About Christmas

Do you know that in several Zoos donated “Charismas Trees” are fed to animals? Or that, there is a village in Peru where old disputes are settled through fist-fight? So here we present 25 most bizarre and interesting facts about Christmas.

Saint Nicolas on whose name we see the Jolly and Children’s favorite Santa-Clause was illustrated as a stern about the disciplines.


All letters to Santa-Clause goes to Santa Clause, Indiana for the name of the city. While in Canada all letters sent to santa clause are forwarded to a volunteer group members show read and reply to these letters.


Engineers of Voyager Space Research’s used ProkChop Plot to find the best 100 paths so that a possible collision with outer planets could be avoided during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.


There is a village in Peru where old conflicts are settled through fist-fighting during Christmas. All participate in it so that they start new year with a clean slate.


Until the last century there was a custom to tell horror stories on Christmas Eve.


Some Zoos feed donated Christmas Trees to their animals.


It is estimated that American musician and singer Erving Berlin’s White Christmas is the bestselling single song ever. More than 100 million copies of it have been sold.


Newfoundland natives disguise as mummers and go door to door singing and dancing. Hosts try to identify them.


74 years old English write and single Sir James Paul McCartney earns almost half a million dollar for his Christmas song. Some critics regard this song as the worst of his songs recorded however.


Since 1960 there is a tradition of watching Donald Duck cartoons on the Christmas Eve.


Doors of day-night open Danny’s Restaurant were build without door locks. They were in bizarre situation when they decide to close for the first time on Christmas in 1988.


During 2010 Christmas Colombian Government planted lights of Jungle trees. When FARC gurrilas(terrorists) walked through the jungle lights turned on with banner requesting terrorists to lay down the guns. 331 entered into social system and this campaign received the best strategic marketing excellence award.


Almost all of the most popular Christmas songs including ‘Winter Wonderland’, ‘Chestnut Roasting’ and ‘I am dreaming of a white Christmas are written by Jewish.


During First World War in 1914 a truce was held between Germany and the UK. They decorated their taints and shelters, exchanged gifts across no man’s land and played game of football between themselves.


In 1918 first and for the past 40 years, the Canadian province of Nova Scotia has been sending the city of Boston a giant Christmas tree as a thank you for their support after the 1917 Halifax explosion


The people of Oslo, Norway donate the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree every year in gratitude to the people of London for their assistance during World War I.


Japanese people traditionally eat at KFC for Christmas dinner. Thanks to a successful marketing campaign 40 years ago. KFC is so popular that customers must place their Christmas orders 2 months in advance.


Christmas purchases account for 1/6 of all retail sales in the U.S annually
