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220 year old belongings of tipu sultan found in the attic of a house

The family that found the belongings in their house’s attic realized that their ancestor, Major Thomas Hart who fought in Fourth Anglo-Mysore war in...
HomeHistory10 most Interesting facts to know

10 most Interesting facts to know

10 most interesting facts to know

  1.  In the next 40 years robots will be more intelligent than humans. The intel company has proven that robots will be able to do things which humans can never do.
  2. Intel is developing a powerful system which will be completely wireless.
  3. H2O which we call in water science, water is very important part of our livesScientists have not been able to discover the formula of formation of water.
  4. More than half of human bones are in the hands and feet of the human.
  5. If you continuously yell or shout loudly for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you will be able to produce as much energy as it is required to cook one hot cup of coffee.
  6. The total population of internet users in North Korea is only 605 (?).
  7. Osama Bin Laden and Hitler both were killed on May 1.
  8. If your mind is calm just 90 seconds before your ship is going to wreck you have more chances of survival.
  9. The cells in your body are controlled by your brain. If negative thoughts are coming to your mind then you already have the digestive process efficiency considerably decreased.
  10. Our minds can read 1,000 words a minute.