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Homeworld10 Most Venomous and Deadliest Snakes in the World

10 Most Venomous and Deadliest Snakes in the World

A total of more than 2500 species of snakes are found in the world. Out of which more than 500 species are poisonous.

The poison of some snakes is so dangerous that a person can die within minutes. On the other hand, some snakes are not so poisonous yet on being bitten by them people give up their lives due to heart attack in panic.

In this article, we are telling you about the 10 most dangerous and poisonous snakes in the world. So let’s see those ten snakes which are the most poisonous and deadly in the world.



Taipan snake is the second most poisonous snake found in Australia. The color of the Taipan snake is like that of the Black Mamba of Africa.

Its poison is so dangerous that at least 12,000 pigs can be killed by the poison released at one go. Taipan snake venom contains neurotoxic venom that coagulates the blood in the victim’s body.

Black Mamba

Black Mamba is considered to be the longest, fastest and poisonous snake found in Africa. The length of black mamba is about 14 feet and it can run at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

black-mamba-snakeBlack mamba can change its color according to the situation. It is so aggressive that it can bite several times in a few seconds.

A person dies within 15 minutes to 3 hours after being bitten. Before the invention of an anti-venom, no human being bitten by it could survive.

Tiger Snake

tiger_snake Tiger snake is a very poisonous snake found in Australia. Tiger snake has neuro toxic poison which kills the victim within 30 minutes to 24 hours.

Tiger snakes are not very dangerous for humans because they run away after seeing humans. Tiger snake bites only when it does not find any place to escape.

Philippine Cobra

The Philippine cobra is the most dangerous snake found in the northern parts of the Philippines. Philippine cobra is many times more poisonous and dangerous than other species of cobra.

philippine-cobra It has the ability to grab and bite the prey from a distance of 3 meters. After the bite of a Philippine cobra, a person can die within 30 minutes.

The main symptoms of its poison are rapid dizziness, severe headache, excessive vomiting and difficulty in breathing.

Saw Scaled Viper

Vipers are found almost all over the world. It is one of the most poisonous and dangerous snakes found on earth. But, the most poisonous species of viper, Saw scaled viper is found in India, China and South East Asia.


The saw-scaled viper is small in length, but its angry, irritable and extremely aggressive nature and the power of its deadly venom make it very dangerous. It is responsible for about 5,000 deaths annually in India.

Death Adder

Death Adder snake is a very dangerous snake found in Australia and New Guinea. The special thing about death adder is that it mostly hunts snakes. Adder snake attacks very fast.


Death adder snake releases 40-100 mg of poison in the victim’s body and it has the ability to attack again within 13 seconds. Death adder snakes have neurotoxic poison which can cause death in less than 6 hours.


Rattle snake is the most poisonous and dangerous snake found in North America. Rattle snakes can be easily identified by the rings on the end of their tail. These rings make a rattling sound when the rattlesnake moves its tail.

rattle-snake The specialty of rattlesnake is that their young ones are very dangerous and more poisonous than adult snakes.

Hemotoxic poison is found in the body of rattlesnakes, which destroys human tissue in the human body. If an antidote is taken within 10 minutes of a rattlesnake bite, there are some chances of survival.

Eastern Brown Snake

eastern-brown-snake Eastern Brown Snake is the most dangerous and poisonous snake found in Australia. The poison of the Eastern Brown snake is so poisonous that even 14,000th part of its poison can kill a human.

This snake is found more near crowded areas of Australia. Even a small child of Eastern Brown snake can kill a human being.

Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan is considered to be the most dangerous and poisonous snake among the snakes found on earth.

A single bite from an Inland Taipan snake can inject at least 110 milligrams of venom into a person’s body and that 110 milligrams of venom can kill up to 100 humans and 250,000 rats.

Inland-taipan Taipan’s poison is ten times more dangerous and poisonous than rattle snake and 50 times more than normal snakes.

Taipan snakes like to live in a quiet environment away from the crowd. That’s why the case of Inland Taipan biting people has not come to the fore till date.

Sea Snake

The world’s most poisonous sea snake is found in South East Asia and Northern Australia. These snakes are so dangerous and poisonous that 110 mg of its poison can kill about 1000 humans.

belchers-sea-snakeThese snakes are found in the sea, due to which there is less danger to humans from them. Most of the fishermen become victims of these snakes when they get trapped in their nets.