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HomeUncategorized10 Haunted Roads In India!!!!

10 Haunted Roads In India!!!!

India has a road network of over 5,903,293 kilometers. Here take a look at some of the most haunted roads in India that you might as well avoid while traveling.

Delhi Cantt Road

There is a lady dressed in white clothes who tries to hitchhike the passerby. She asks them to stop and even continues running alongside the car. It is said that a lady was killed here in a car accident a long time back which is probably the reason for all this. It is advised that one should never stop their car while passing through this area.

East Coast Road, Chennai

The East Coast Road, also commonly called as the ECR, connects Chennai with Puducherry. The ECR is a pretty well laid out road running along the coast and is riders delight during the day. At night, the stretch is unlit and has a tree canopy that adds to the eerie feel. there have been reported sightings of a woman in white saree and a toddler who come out of nowhere in front of the car. There is even a temperature drop here at night, which further adds to the creepiness.

Blue Cross Road, Chennai

This stretch of road is situated near Besant Nagar in Chennai. The Blue Cross Road is a single lane road which has got a lot of tree cover. The reason for its being on this list is that many people have committed suicide in this road for some unfathomable reason. Therefore, it is considered that this road is haunted by their ghosts.

NH-209 through the Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary

Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, the Sathyamangalam Sanctuary is a large forest reserve and once served as the home to the Indian bandit Veerappan stayed. The stretch of NH-209 passing through the forest is said to be haunted. Villagers have reported hearing loud screams and seeing ghost-like figures with lanterns in the middle of the night. At the time when Veerappan was alive, he had killed a lot of people in this area. This is considered as the reason for these sightings by many.

Kashedi Ghat, Mumbai-Goa highway

The Mumbai-Goa highway is one of the most popular roads in the country. The tricky yet enjoyable road takes one through a lot of ghat sections which one needs to be careful about. A lot of accidents are reported on this highway. In this stretch, it is said that many times a person appears in front of the vehicle suddenly demanding the car’s occupants to stop. Those who try to/do run over the ghost or speed up are believed to meet with accidents later.

NH33 Jamshedpur-Ranchi

This particular stretch of road is a part of the NH33 and located in the state of Jharkhand, connecting the cities Ranchi and Jamshedpur. This road is said to be very unsafe due to the presence of ‘Dacoits’ who are present on this stretch and loot people, this stretch being in the naxal area. Moreover, if you are lucky and don’t encounter any dacoits here, there have been reports of people seeing white ghostly figures on this stretch. For the same, a lot of temples have come up along this highway to bless the travelers.

Besant Avenue Road

Located inside the heart of Chennai, the Basant Avenue road is a perfectly normal road during the day. However, it is at night that people have reported paranormal activities. Going by the local stories, there is supposedly a ghost on this stretch that hits or slaps people passing by. Not only that, but there have also been reports of people being overthrown by unseen forces while traveling through this road at night.

Kasara Ghat

The Kasara Ghat section is located on the Mumbai-Nashik highway. This road has quite a lot of flora cover including trees and bushes all around. People have seen various figures sitting on trees when driving in this road stretch at night. Moreover, some people have even reported seeing a headless old lady wearing white overalls.

Marve & Madh road

The Marve and Madh road connects Mumbai to the island of Marve & Madh. This road stretch is reportedly haunted by a lady ghost in bridal wear at night. The story behind this says that a young bride was brutally murdered and dumped in the mangrove area on the night of her wedding. There have been several accidents here which reportedly happened as people were trying to avoid her on the road.

Igorchem road, Goa

Goa is one of the biggest tourist destinations in India. However, if you are on a vacation and have booked a self-drive vehicle, you might not want to get on the Igorchem road, a road stretch in Raia. Among the most haunted place in Goa and is situated behind the church of ‘Our Girl of Snows’.  The majority of roads and places which get spooky as night sets in, this place is said to be haunted even during the day. The area is said to be possessed by wandering souls and that’s quite enough a reason to stay cautious if on this road.