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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 3 March

History of 3 March 1991 - 25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed while on approach to the Colorado Springs...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 28 December

1991 - Nine people died in a rush to get into a basketball game at City College in New York. 1995 - Pressure from German...

History of 27 December

1992 - The U.S. shot down an Iraqi fighter jet during what the Pentagon described as a confrontation between a pair of Iraqi warplanes and U.S. F-16 jets...

History of 26 December

1990 - Garry Kasparov beat Anatoly Karpov to retain the chess championship. 1991 - The Soviet Union's parliament formally voted the country out of existence. 1995...

History of 25 December

1991 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev went on television to announce his resignation as leader of a Communist superpower that had already gone...

History of 24 December

1990 - Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were married. 1992 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and five others in the...

History of 23 December

1990 - Elections in Yugoslavia ended, leaving four of its six republics with non-Communist governments. 1995 - A fire in Dabwali, India, killed 540 people,...

History of 22 December

1990 - Lech Walesa was sworn in as Poland's first popularly elected president. 1991 - The body of Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, an American...

History of 21 December

1991 - Eleven of the 12 former Soviet republics proclaimed the birth of the Commonwealth of Independent States. 1995 - The city of Bethlehem passed...

History of 20 December

1990 - The world's first website and server go live at CERN.  1991 - Ante Markovic resigned as federal Prime Minister of Yugoslavia. 1991 - Oliver...

History of 18 December

1996 - Despite a U.N. truce, factional fighting in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, broke out in which at least 300 fighters and civilians...

History of 17 December

1992 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari signed the North American Free Trade...

History of 16 December

1990 - Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a leftist priest, was elected president in Haiti's first democratic elections. 1991 - The U.N. General Assembly rescinded its 1975 resolution...