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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 3 March

History of 3 March 1991 - 25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed while on approach to the Colorado Springs...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 9 January

History of 9 January  1981 - Hockey Hall of Famer, Phil Esposito, announced that he would retire as a hockey player after the New...

History of 8 January 

History of 8 January  1982 - American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) settled the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against it by agreeing to divest itself...

History of 7 January 

History of 8 January  1980 - U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed legislation that authorized $1.5 billion in loans for the bail out of Chrysler...

History of 6 January

1994 - Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed on the right leg by an assailant at Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI. Four men were later...

History of 5 January

1993 - The state of Washington executed Westley Allan Dodd. It was America's first legal hanging since 1965. Dodd was an admitted child sex...

History of 4 January

History of 4 January 1928 - NBC Radio debuted "The Dodge Victory Hour" which starred Will Rogers, Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra and singer...

History of 3 January

1991 - The British government announced that seven Iraqi diplomats, another embassy staff member and 67 other Iraqis were being expelled from Britain. 1993 - U.S....

History of 2 January

1991 - Sharon Pratt Dixon was sworn in as mayor of Washington, DC. She was the first black woman to head a city of that...

History of 1 January

1992 - The ESPN Radio Network was officially launched. 1992 - In Kuala, Lumpur, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Petronas Towers took place. 1993 - Czechoslovakia...

History of 1 February

History of 1 February 1946 – Trygve Lie of Norway is picked to be the first United Nations Secretary-General. 1946 – The Parliament of Hungary abolishes the monarchy after nine...

History of 31 December

1990 - Titleholder Gary Kasparov of the U.S.S.R. won the world chess championship match against his countryman Anatoly Karpov.1996 - NCR Corp. became an...

History of 29 December

1996 - The Guatemalan government and leaders of the leftist Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union signed a peace accord in Guatemala City, ending a civil...