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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 3 March

History of 3 March 1991 - 25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed while on approach to the Colorado Springs...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 23 February

History of 23 February 1991 - During the Persian Gulf War, ground forces crossed the border of Saudi Arabia into the country of Iraq....

History of 22 February

History of 22 February 1984 - The U.S. Census Bureau statistics showed that the state of Alaska was the fastest-growing state of the decade with an increase...

History of 6 January

History of 6 January 1982 - William G. Bonin was convicted in Los Angeles, CA, of being the "freeway killer" who had murdered 14...

History of 5 January

History of 5 January  1900 - In Ireland, Nationalist leader John Edward Redmond called for a revolt against British rule. 1903 - The general...

Top Ten Fastest 100 Meter Sprinters in History

All human posses the natural ability to run on their feet, sprinters take this to another level. The top speed of an incredibly Olympic sprinter...

10 most Interesting facts to know

10 most interesting facts to know  In the next 40 years robots will be more intelligent than humans. The intel company has proven that...

Rare Historical Photographs which will Blow your Mind!

If you think you know history very well, get ready to be humbled. These rare historical photographs shown below show glimpses of some fascinating, surprising and...

Most Interesting and Amazing facts from History

The first widely used Democratic System is said to be formed in 508 B.C. that is around 2,500 years ago in Athens, Greek. Then, all the...

History of 9 July

1997 - Mike Tyson was banned from the boxing ring and fined $3 million for biting the ear of opponent Evander Holyfield. 2005 -...

History of 5 June

History of 5 June 1917 - American men began registering for the World War I draft. 1924 - Ernst F. W. Alexanderson transmitted the first facsimile...

History of 4 June

History of 4 June 1960 - The Taiwan island of Quemoy was hit by 500 artillery shells fired from the coast of Communist China. 1974 -...

History of 3 June

History of 3 June 1923 - In Italy, Benito Mussolini granted women the right to vote. 1932 - Lou Gehrig set a major league baseball record...