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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 3 March

History of 3 March 1991 - 25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed while on approach to the Colorado Springs...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

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History of 4 March

History of 4 March - 1634 - Samuel Cole opened the first tavern in Boston, MA. 1681 - England's King Charles II granted a charter to William...

History of 3 March

History of 3 March 1991 - 25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed while on approach to the Colorado Springs...

History of 1 March

History of 1 March 1992 - Bosnian Serb snipers fired upon civilians after a majority of the Moslem and Croatian communities voted in favor...

History of 28 February

History Of 28 February 1827 - The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad became the first railroad incorporated for commercial transportation of people and freight. 1844 - Several...

History of 27 February

History Of 27 February 1700 - The Pacific Island of New Britain was discovered. 1801 - The city of Washington, DC, was placed under congressional jurisdiction. 1827 -...

History of 26 February

History Of 26 February 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from the Island of Elba. He then began his second conquest of France. 1848 - The second...

History of 25 February

History of 25 February 1570 - England's Queen Elizabeth I was excommunicated by Pope Pius V. 1751 - Edward Willet displayed the first trained monkey act...

History of 24 February

History of 24 February 1803 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled itself to be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues. 1835 - "Siwinowe Kesibwi" (The Shawnee Sun)...

History of 23 February

History of 23 February 1574 - France began the 5th holy war against the Huguenots. 1660 - Charles XI became the king of Sweden. 1792 - The...

History of 22 February

History of 22 February 1630 - Quadequine introduced popcorn to English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner. 1784 - "Empress of China", a U.S. merchant ship, left New...

History of 21 February

History of 21 February 1804 - The first self-propelled locomotive on rails was demonstrated in Wales. 1842 - John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine. 1848 -...

History of 20 February

History Of 20 February 1673 - The first recorded wine auction took place in London. 1792 - U.S. President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act that created...