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Preeti Rathore

About the author

Health Care: Know The Valuable Benefits Of Cow’s Milk And Turmeric Milk

Drinking milk is beneficial for health and especially for bones. We know this, but instead of drinking packet milk, if we drink cow's milk,...

Maharana Pratap: The unique personality

Although, many brave heroes have taken birth in Mati, full of stunning and vigorous, chanting, religious, and religious qualities of Rajasthan. Maharana Pratap is...

This is the tallest man in history, at just two years old, he was more than four feet in length.

February 22, 1918, Robert's parents were of standard height. But, his height had begun to increase wildly from a few months after birth. In...

These buildings are the “Seven Wonders of the World”

"Seven Wonders of the world" We have always heard about them. There are several stories behind the buildings included in the seven wonders of...

Fun facts: Girls with Curly Hair get this Kind of Knowledge from Everyone

Only girls with curly hair know about curly hair problems. She also tries her best to solve curly hair. Despite this, we also come...

Successful marriages even after age difference in marriage, the study revealed

Do you know what age difference there should be for marriage in our home? Often the age gap is considered for marriages in Hinduism....

Do you know? About the world’s most expensive bra?

Do you know the cost of the world's most expensive bra? Do you know that 80 percent of the world's women wear the wrong...


In the last few years the parameters of beauty have changed to a great extent. Many people first notice their height whenever they meet...


MIND-BLOWING FACTS We look beautiful, the day when we shampoo our hair. Psycho people smile less.  Countdowns make our hearts beat faster. 70% of...

Some Most Expensive And Unique Pens In The World

Pens are the basic necessity of a person who wants to write something. A person can express his thoughts, opinions, and feelings into words...

Let’s Know: Why It Is Important To “LAUGH”

Let us know why it is important to laugh. We must have heard it everywhere that laughter is very important for our health. It...

Here Are Some Famous And Rich Temples of India

In India, the faith of Hindus has so attached to the God seated in temples. That is why devotees donate millions in these temples...

